Round-up of the latest news about Colin Cantwell and more

The latest news and other information
Check out Sierra’s interview with Rebel Force Radio!
“Skeleton Crew: Meet the Millennium Eagle” — Fantha Tracks
“The ships gathered around the pirate port seen early in Skeleton Crew included a nod to [Colin Cantwell], a legendary Star Wars designer.” — Gizmodo
“In the sixth episode ofStar Wars: Skeleton Crew, the gang gets another glimpse at X-wing starfighters, a wonderful reminder of Colin Cantwell’s enduring and perfect design of those spacecraft, and many other unforgettable Star Wars vehicles.” — Ryan Britt, Inverse
“‘Millennium Falcon’ Concept Ship Appears in ‘Skeleton Crew’, Designer Confirms” — Aled Morgan, Star Wars News Net
“Bill George’s Millennium Eagle Appears in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew” — Jedi News
You’ll find the website here, and I highly recommend checking it out.
Bill hunt, the digital bits
The new website
“This is so wizard!” — Star Wars Fans United
“Some serious Star Wars history here.” — GNN – Star Wars Memes Extravaganza
“ to preserve the legacy of the legendary designer” — Fantha Tracks
“New website preserves the legacy of Colin Cantwell, the first Star Wars ship designer” — Flickering Myth
“New Website Preserves the Legacy of Star Wars Designer Colin Cantwell” — Jedi News
“You’ll find the website here, and I highly recommend checking it out. Tell ‘em Bill at The Digital Bits sent you!” — The Digital Bits
“New Website Preserves the Legacy of Colin Cantwell” — Yoda’s News
The supremely talented artist, whose career spanned from NASA, to iconic Star Wars designs, to his own sci-fi novels, passed away at home this weekend.
Colin’s passing on May 21, 2022
“Colin Cantwell, the visionary who brought Star Wars to life with his original designs of the X-Wing, TIE Fighter and the Death Star, has died at 90.” — NBC’s Today Show
“Colin Cantwell, Designer of the X-Wing and More, Passes Away” —
“Colin Cantwell, ‘Star Wars’ Spacecraft Designer, Dies at 90” — The New York Times
“Colin Cantwell obituary” — The Guardian
“Star Wars spacecraft designer Colin Cantwell dies aged 90” — BBC
“Colin Cantwell Dies: ‘Star Wars’ Death Star And Spacecraft Designer Was 90” — Deadline
“Colin Cantwell, designer of “Star Wars” spaceships and Death Star, dies at 90″ — CBS News
“Colin Cantwell, Concept Artist Who Designed Iconic Star Wars Spacecraft, Dies at 90″ — The Hollywood Reporter
“Colin Cantwell, the Mind Behind the Star Wars Death Star, Dies at 90″ — Daily Beast
“Colin Cantwell, designer of Star Wars Death Star, dies aged 90″ — CNN
“Colin Cantwell, who designed the Death Star for Star Wars, dies at 90″ — The Washington Post
Film artist Colin Cantwell tells Reddit how the iconic trench came to be. And it turns out the X-Wing owes its life to a night of drinking.
Other news about Colin and interviews with him
“Star Wars Death Star’s famed feature was a complete accident” — CNET
“I’m Colin Cantwell – Designer of the Death Star, X-Wing, TIE Fighter, & Star Destroyer; CBS’s lead analyst for the Moon Landing; Collaborator on 2001: A Space Odyssey, WarGames & Buck Rogers; Author, Inventor, and 84 year old maxi-nerd AMA” — Reddit
“I am Colin Cantwell – Star Wars Ship Creator, worked with NASA, Kubrick & The Birth of CGI AMA” — Reddit
“I am Colin Cantwell – Death Star Creator, Star Wars ship designer; CBS’s lead analyst for the 1st Moon Landing; Collaborator on 2001: A Space Odyssey, WarGames & Buck Rogers; Author, Inventor, and 84 year old maxi-nerd AMA” — Reddit
“SWNN Interview: Legendary Artist and Death Star Builder Colin Cantwell Discusses His Work on Star Wars, 2001, and More” — Star Wars News Net
“He kept his Star Wars legacy a secret in Boulder for decades. At 85, the sci-fi pioneer is ready to step out.” — The Denver Post
“Star Wars Secrets: Boulder’s Colin Cantwell Designed the Death Star” — Westword